I happen to love this Snow(man) Angel from Ruth Schmuff. A customer of mine stitched it up in a week as a winter theme insert for a Lee wristlet. Great colors, reminds me of something a child might do because the colors are fresh and don’t appear to be labored over for the “perfect” look. It is stitched to match what was painted. Ok, enough of this. Barbara Russell trunk show continues until December 16th (20% off retail inc. threads). She has a number of dog ornaments for all those dog lovers. Just ordered some Treenway silk ribbons and threads to give them a try. Does anyone have any experience with these? New to the store is the floor stand by Daylight, its received good reviews and is a lower price point than a Lowery or System 4. For those wanting the best I do allow the Lowery to be taken home for a test drive.

He is too cute! Looks nice and warm in a cool way!