Our customer Arlene Spector received an Honorable Mention at the Woodlawn Plantation Exhibition during the month of March for her execution of her original design of the “Fig”. This piece was taught in a class by Karen who prepared the stitch guide for the original design. The piece was based on Arlene’s line drawing, and Karen picked threads and planned out stitches to bring texture and detail to the work done on 13 count canvas. Challenges included working the unpainted canvas for full coverage, and creating detail in the stitch work demanded by the larger count canvas. Here is Karen’s finished piece. Note that Karen’s guide renders the figs in a just turning ripe state, with the color ranging from green to purple where as Arlene has done hers in an all purple state.
The Woodlawn Plantation is a National Historic Trust Site which was originally part of Washington’s Mt. Vernon (photo above). Each year they host a juried needlework exhibition.