The Nimble Needle has been working with the same woodworker employed by the original owners of Lee Needlearts for providing kimono stands in all of the four sizes. The only difference is at this point I am selling them with a smooth sanded surface paint ready. The cost of the stands are: $40. XLRG., $28. LRG, $20. MED, and $8 for the very smallest.
Shipping is additional. To date I do not believe the new owners will be providing stands made by the same gentleman. I am close to the original Lee Needlearts owners so it makes acquiring the stands easy and they are not coming from China. I will ship anywhere!
I am wondering if these could be custom ordered at a larger size? joettamaue (at) gmail com
I have a piece that is 8.5 x 10. What size would you recommend?
Hi, you would need the large size. In the left picture that shows 3 stands you would need the largest of these. The one smaller, (medium) would be for the 5 x 7 kimono’s and the small, which is really just a stick, would be for the tiny kimono’s that are about 3 x 3. Thank you!
Are these stands still available? My finished kimono is 12″ tall by 11″ wide. Would I need the XLG which I assume is pictured on the right? Thank you.
Hi Sue, I’m requesting a price for one to be made. I was referred to a finisher who builds frames, tables and trays etc for needlework. They will want to finish the stand also, would this be ok with you? they could finish in any color though for estimating purposes I suggested a gloss black. ok, I’ll be back to you. I do have your phone # just hasn’t seemed like an appropriate time. I have reply’s below but I’m rusty at comments on blogs and realized you may not have seen them.
Hi Sue, I sent an email but may have made an error when writing down your email address. Now that I see the comment (I didn’t realize I had to authorize it to be posted and I don’t look everyday). While I have 7 of the large stands I don’t have any of the extra Large. Gosh when I looked at the picture I don’t even remember having them! I don’t know if an extra platform was added to the large stand that it would be enough to lift your kimono up or not. I know the size I have was intended for kimono’s that are 8 x 10 I believe. Now that I see in print the dimensions of your kimono and I’m looking at the stand I can take a second look.
I don’t think the height is as much an issue as the width. Width between the 2 uprights is only 9 1/2″ high. I’m going to ask the question about stands on the shop owner Facebook page and see if any other shops have recommendations. I’ll also try calling Glen who made the stands but not optimistic that he’ll reply.