I have a feeling crewel work as we know it is dead. There is some amazingly creative stuff coming from many textile artists in the UK. Artists, yes, but they are just like us with “real” jobs and families but have taken stitching into the 21st century. Much is done by machine but much is also on a much smaller scale and could easily be done in hand. I think its time to leave being so stuck in the past with the “prim” look. Many of the techniques used could be translated onto linen or canvas using charted or painted pieces. We have the raw materials, it just takes some time and imagination. Take a look:
Inspired by Hungarian Embroidery. Hand made l o n g book. By Jackie or aka Dog Daisy Chain.
It’s encouraging to find a shop that is open to and embraces the mixture of embroidery and change and art. I subscribe to the UK publication “Embroidery” and I’m newly inspired with each issue. I also enjoy Jenny Hart’s connections to the art world (both her art and the artist she introduces us to).