New canvases and thread kits to make you smile.
1) Birds of a Feather Pink Owl. Design area 4″ x 4″ , overall canvas 8 1/2″ square on 13 count, $49.00 . Thread kit is $44.00 and includes Vineyard classic silk, Felicity’s Garden, Watercolours, Neon Rays, Very Velvet, Angora, Kreinik, Oriental Silk and Caron Snow. Three other owls available in this 2012 collection.
2) Baby Sleeping by the Collection, 5″ x 7″ on 13 count $41.00 . Thread kit includes Watercolours, High Cotton, Neon Rays Plus, Weeks Pearl Cotton, Silk Lame braid, Very Velvet and Neon Rays all for $34.00.
3) Busy Bee by Birds of a Flower 5 1/2″ x 5 1/2″ on 13 count, $54.00. Thread kit available upon request.