Time to show off some good looking work. So many pillows!
Melissa Shirley dress canvas, stitching by Nancy S. |
My first time to have Pouff pillows as they are called. Being the canvas was round and the other oval a knife edge pillow was out of the question. Next thought, box? but these will be used on Maria’s bed and she thought the softer look of the pouff style is more in keeping with a well made bed than the rigid ness of a box construction. She’s working on the third which will be a large rectangle, with the medium round and smaller oval below.
Canvas by Barbara Russell, stitching by Maria H. |
Orchid canvas by Barbara Russell, stitching by Maria H. |
Canvas by Jean Smith ??, stitching by Mary M. |
Small wristlet came out so nice, its so soft to the touch both on the stitched side and the leather side you just want to keep touching it! Background was done in Gumnut stars and medallions in Gumnut stars blended with Bijoux. Gift for his daughter.
Canvas by Red Thread, stitching by Stanley K. |
Canvas by Elizabeth Bradley, found by customer in hand me down stash. |
Canvas by JP, stitching by Mary M. |
Canvas by Barbara Russell, stitching by Mindy A. |
I just love the addition of the silk plaid border, it truly makes the pillow. A great example of why I like to leave it up to the finisher as this is something that wouldn’t have occured to me if I felt that I “needed” to give instruction.
Canvas by ??, stitching by Mary M. |
The camel is exquisitely stitched. Appliqued on a custom bag for her daughter who attends Connecticut College, and there mascot is……you guessed it; a camel. Couldn’t help but post a close up. Daughter is majoring in the Classics, so material chosen by Mom is most fitting.
Canvas by Rebecca Wood, stitching by Val K. |
Camel close up |
These are simply wonderful, but that camel takes the cake. Exquisite stitching, fabulous design and drop-dead gorgeous finishing! Thanks for sharing it.