Pretty much sums up a day of rain, rain and more rain. Cat Nap Inn by Cooper Oaks. or 168 without threads.
Cat Nap Inn
On the subject of cats…by Charley Harper Crazy Cat Crazy Quilt $179. This canvas is the size of a big old Tom Cat!
Or a Cat wearing a quilt! by Maggie and now on sale for $87 from 174.
Here’s more Marked Down Cats more your type? Here are some by Cooper Oaks, Barbara Russell and Alice Peterson.
Patience by Cooper Oaks stitch painted on 13 count, was 98 now just $68.
was 62 on sale for $50. Classic “school picture” by Barbara Russell
Cloissone Floral Cat by Alice Peterson on 13 count. Now $70 from 99.
For someone just starting out a small kitty X stitch kit by Permin.