Do you remember when 032 was the go to white?
From left to right (newest are underlined) 5760 Marshmallow, 1232 Lavender Pearl, 100 White, 032 Pearl, 2132 Copper Pearl, 3200 Solid Pearl Ombre and 9032 Crystalline.
Recently a customer asked if I could order two of the newest Kreiniks Lavender Pearl HL and Copper Pearl HL (HL=high lustre, some kreinik colors only come in HL such as these two but others come in plain and high lustre both such as 002, 002HL, 005, 005HL). Expecting them to have more color, upon opening them up I thought it might be of interest to see how they compare to the other whites. 5760 is in my eye the purest white and ideal for snow, the others all have varying tinges of yellow and sometimes thats the better choice when seeing the other colors being used. While its nice to have choices think which white you like best. It might not be what the stitch guide calls for, and older guides may even pre-date many of these white choices. Have an open mind when shopping at your LNS its very hard if not frankly impossible to stock every thread available and in most cases its fine to substitute (honest it really is). Take these whites for example, unless you were doing a large area it would be difficult to tell the difference between several of these. For best results for tent stitches I recommend size 8 braid for 18 count and 12 braid for 13 or 14. Changing the color from what’s painted consider going up to size 12. For delicate backgrounds with a suggestion of sparkle try using a size 4. Do you feel for the most part Kreiniks are too stiff? Consider trying out their 1/16th ribbons. Ribbons are my favorite because they are all color without an undyed core.